"www.friendsofthewildflowergarden.org". A crushed twig has a bitter aspirin taste. Below: A leaf comparison of the four Minnesota native species of Populus plus the introduced P. alba. wislizeni. Friends of the Wild Flower Garden, Inc. Below: Female aments starting to elongate. Lombardy poplar (P. nigra) is a columnar form that is much planted. The root system is wide and branching and deeply penetrating to find moisture. monilifera, which is called the Plains Cottonwood. The seeds are very small, 1mm wide by 4 mm long, which is quite remarkable considering that they can become one of the largest trees in North America, up to 100 ft. high with massive trunks over 5 … The leaves are broad, glossy, and light-green in color. 2nd photo - twigs have slight angles and green-brown resinous buds. The Plains cottonwood is the great tree of the American prairies. Below: 1st photo - Plains Cottonwood leaves have long pointed tips and straight to heart-shaped bases, curved (slightly hooked) coarse teeth on the margin and a slender flattened stalk that has 2 glands at the base. It is fast growing, in fact the fastest growing tree in North America, growing 6 ′ to 12 ′ per year under favorable conditions. References: Plant characteristics are generally from sources 1A, 32, W2, W3, W7 & W8 plus others as specifically applied. Cottonwood (Poplar) The cottonwood—also known as the poplar—is a tall tree with a spreading crown, named for its cotton-like seeds. Twigs are very stout, brownish, with slight angles. The third subspecies, subsp. North Dakota tree handbook. The later leaves will be different in size and number of teeth and are the last to fall from the tree in Autumn. Here is some detailed information on the cottonwood tree. Comparisons: There are three subspecies of this tree that somewhat overlap geographically. The fruits split open when ripe and cotton-like material comes out carrying the seeds. Colorado's major tree species include bristlecone pine, Colorado blue spruce, Douglas-fir, Engelmann spruce, limber pine, lodgepole pine, narrowleaf cottonwood, quaking aspen, piñon pine, plains cottonwood, ponderosa pine, Rocky Mountain juniper, subalpine fir and white fir. The plains cottonwood is a Colorado native tree but, while it grows in our area, it’s considered native to the lower elevations of the state and is typically found in elevations between 3,500 to 6,500 feet. Flowers are in 2 to 3 inch drooping catkins. This is why the common name of Plains Cottonwood is preferred. Cottonwood trees (Populus spp.) From left to right: plains cottonwood, narrowleaf cottonwood, and lanceleaf cottonwood leaves on branches About All Cottonwood Trees Cottonwood trees are a common street tree and are the largest native broadleaf trees in Colorado. Black Cottonwood leaves may also have an ovate shape and the leaves of mature trees may show a light rust color on the side facing the ground. The Plains Cottonwood, (Populus deltoids occidentalis,) was adopted as Wyoming state tree on February 1, 1947. Seed germinates immediately. Seed: After pollination, the female catkins elongate up to 6 inches in length and the fertilized flowers produce an elliptical seed capsule, green initially, turning brown. Flowers: Catkins, male-female on separate trees. The catkin stalks are of uniform length. Plains Cottonwood Facts The plains cottonwood is a large, fast-growing, short-lived tree of the Great Plains and eastern border of the Rocky Mountains. In the U.S. the range is from the Rocky Mountain states of Montana south to New Mexico eastward as far as Texas and Oklahoma and then up to Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin. Fall color is a brilliant yellow. This tree should not be planted near wells and underground water pipes. Although cottonwood trees are really attractive and add to the appeal of their surroundings, their immense size makes them unsuitable for small yards. His work was not complete and was amended by âMarshallâ which refers to Humphry Marshall (1722-1801), American Botanist, who published in 1785 - Arboretum Americanum: The American Grove, an Alphabetical Catalogue of Forest Trees and Shrubs, Natives of the American United States. Over-wintering buds have fine hair. Leaves are triangular, 3 to 7 inches long and 3 to 5 inches wide, alternate, simple, with long pointed tips and straight to heart-shaped bases and curved (slightly hooked) coarse teeth on the margin. The species is divided into three subspecies or up to five varieties. The author names for the plant classification are as follows: First to publish was âBartramâ which refers to John Bartram (1699-1777) early American botanist and explorer who traveled extensively in the colonies collecting plants. Read on for more cottonwood tree facts. Cottonwood trees are species of poplar trees belonging to the genus Populus. It is the state tree for Wyoming, Kansas and Nebraska. wislizeni or Rio Grande Cottonwood, is native to 7 states of the southern Rocky Mountains. As with most trees, all leaves will be slightly variable in shape and size on the same tree. See All State Trees | National Tree. Provided by ND State Soil Conservation Committee. The diverse poplar family includes the quaking aspen, which boasts the widest range of any North American tree, and the Plains cottonwood, which was the only tree many early settlers met as they forged westward through America's prairies. Provided by USDA NRCS Bismarck PMC (NDPMC). Images not to scale. It has 0 leaf glands and winter buds with hair. Populus L. – cottonwood Species: Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall – eastern cottonwood Subspecies: Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall ssp. Cottonwoods (Populus deltoids) are massive shade trees that grow naturally throughout the United States. The Plains cottonwood is the great tree of the American prairies. A broad, irregularly rounded canopy with coarse, spreading branches. Other sources by specific reference. Distribution principally from W1, W2 and 28C. Other massive 5 to 6-ft driver bottom specimens are not uncommon. A selection of Plains Cottonwood with a straight central leader and a pyramidal habit that matures to a broad rounded form. 2nd photo - For a comparison, this is the very similar looking leaf of the Rio Grande Cottonwood, P. deltoides subsp. Branches that fall into water will grow roots and shoots that will capable of becoming another tree. The crown is open and spreading with slightly drooping stout branches. Within Minnesota, it is found in most counties with a few scattered exceptions, mostly absent in the NE section. Members of the willow family, cottonwoods are named for the cottonlike mass of hairs surrounding their seeds. The plains cottonwood is the western subspecies of the Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Male catkins (staminate) are in clusters of 2 to 4 at the branch tips. Smooth, grayish bark becomes deeply grooved and darker as it ages. The plains cottonwood is a large, fast-growing, short-lived tree of the Great Plains and eastern border of the Rocky Mountains. Planting history generally from 1, 4 & 4a. The leaf tapers to a long pointed tip. Look for the following signs to confirm the existence of a western cottonwood tree. It has leaf tips that are very short pointed, either 0 or 3 to 6 leaf stalk glands, winter buds without hair, and the catkin stalks are longer and not of uniform length. The Plains Cottonwood is a large native deciduous tree forming a tall trunk, up to 100 feet high and diameters often larger than 4 feet. The largest known specimen in Minnesota (2020) is in Chippewa County - height 106 feet, crown spread 110 feet, circumference 394 inches. The color is red to yellow and each small flower on the catkin has a saucer shape basal disk with 30 to 40 stamens. Details Here. Plains Cottonwood Trees (populus deltoides): the greenish-yellow bark of the young tree becomes rough and dark gray as it gets older. It is the state tree of Wyoming. The area that had been accidentally dug up by the excavator had really nicely established cottonwood and aspen on it. It is located about a mile from Hygiene, Colorado on closed property maintained by Boulder county Parks and Open Space. Members of the willow family, cottonwoods are named for the cotton-like mass of hairs surrounding their seeds. There are only four species of Populus that are native and commonly found in Minnesota: P. balsamifera, Balsam Poplar; P. deltoides, Plains Cottonwood; P. grandidentata, Bigtooth Aspen; and P. tremuloides, Quaking Aspen. The subspecies monilifera is found in North America in the Great Plains region and somewhat eastward, but not into the southern states where the dominant subspecies is subsp. It has long been prized in the Great Plains where it … The subspecies classification is as follows: Flowers: Cottonwood is dioecious, that is male and female flowers occur on separate trees. There is another subspecies, subsp. Cottonwood trees get their name from the fluffy cotton-like seeds produced by the female tree. Photo by madpoet_one/Flickr (Noncommercial Use Permitted with Attribution). Uses: Cottonwood wood is light, soft and weak but has a uniform texture so it is used in plywood, paper pulp, and lumber for uses not requiring bending or compression strength. They have lustrous, bright green foliage in summer that changes to brilliant yellow in fall. All State Trees. (Noncommercial Use Permitted with Attribution), Source | Reference Links | Additional Resources. The subspecies recognized as the native to Minnesota is subsp. Cottonwood Pole Planting Guide. Peterson / USDA NRCS PLANTS Database. Hardy to -40°F Maximum Elevation: 7,000 Feet. The largest known Plains Cottonwood tree is more than 300 years old, 36 feet around and 105 feet tall. One of the cultivated male varieties, “Straight Plains” or ‘Jeronimus’ cottonwood keeps a straight main leader, is tolerant of many soil types and conditions, and can make a nice shade tree in landscapes that provide enough room for this tree to mature. Plains Cottonwood does not sucker; it can re-sprout from a stump but not vigorously but is a vigorous self-seeder. 2nd photo - The female seed capsules splitting to release seeds to the wind. P. deltoides is strongly heterophyllous, that is, it has two types of leaves - those that are formed in the winter bud for early spring growth, known as preformed or early leaves and leaves produced later in the season known as neoformed leaves. United States, ND. Many species and hybrids have wood with a variety of uses, including for matches and matchboxes. Plant cottonwoods only if your house has a large expanse of outdoor land for maximum effect. Trees require full sun and are generally shade intolerant. Wide, triangular shaped green leaves turn yellow in the fall. It is the big tree on the banks of the mightiest rivers of the great plains, and the on the smallest streams. I'm waiting for leaf fall at the tree at my work so I can take cuttings and put them in the pond. Names: The genus Populus is the Latin name for the Poplar. Usage Requirements. Members of the willow family, cottonwoods are named for the cotton-like mass of hairs surrounding their seeds. monilifera (Aiton) Eckenwalder – plains cottonwood From the roots and trunks to the leaves and fruits, the locals used different parts of these trees for various purposes to satisfy different needs. USDA NRCS ND State Soil Conservation Committee; NDSU Extension and Western Area Power Administration, Bismarck. Cottonwood trees in autumn; Edness K. Wilkins State Park, Wyoming. Trees need to be about 10 to 15 years of age to produce seed. These large trees can grow to between 50 and 80 ft. (15 – 24 m). Minnesota's champion tree cottonwood measures a whopping 10-ft diameter at breast height. They are related to poplars and aspens. They do REALLY well on creek and pond edges. These trees have been very important to the native people living in North America… Deciduous Tree Type: Shade Tree: Tree Habit: Round, Pyramidal, Dense Branching: Mature Size (generic) Habitat: Plains Cottonwood in its native habitat is found in moist bottomlands. [Cotton for clothing comes from the true cotton plant (Gossypium sp. There are reports of stands in several states further east but this range excludes the southern states and New England. 2nd photo - in the early spring, in process of elongation. Notes: Plains Cottonwood is considered indigenous to the Garden area and Susan Wilkins added some young plants in 2011 to enhance the tree canopy in the woodland area. Both male and female catkins have (+ or -) 15 to 40 individual flowers. Above: Various tree shapes of Cottonwood. Each leaf is about 6 inches long and 4 inches wide. The tree in the 2nd & 3rd photos, has a single trunk. The largest known specimen in Minnesota (2020) is in Chippewa County - height 106 feet, crown spread 110 feet, circumference 394 inches. Western Cottonwood Tree Identification. The Plains Cottonwood tree (Populus sargenti) also known as the Poplar is a tall tree named for its cotton-like seeds. See Reference List for details. These trees can be enormous in size and prune themselves, sometimes dropping Cadillac size branches. The statute was amended in 1961 to change the scientific name to: Populus deltoides variety monilifera. The buds are large, about 3/4 inch long and covered with several green-brown resinous scales. Below: 1st photo - The fertile female catkins develop a number of green 4-chambered seed capsules, each of which can have 28 to 40 seeds. These trees have a widespread foliage that can extend to 5 feet in diameter. It will tolerate a wide range of soils as long as they are well-drained. Flowers appear before the leaves and are wind pollinated. The plains cottonwood is a large, fast-growing, short-lived tree of the Great Plains and eastern border of the Rocky Mountains. Wood is used in commercial production of things such as wooden pallets and paper. Large individuals can reach over 130 ′ in height. plains cottonwood tree As a breeze picks up in the night air, leaves from every treetop near and far rustle together to render soft, swishing sounds. Also known as Fremont cottonwood or Rio Grande cottonwood, this tree is commonly found near water bodies of arid regions. But nothing sounds quite like the whisper of a plains cottonwood’s glossy, shimmering leaves sighing in the wind, as if … A database that provides information on more than 200 native tree and shrub species, and on almost 300 insects and 200 diseases found in Canada's forests. Return to -- Site Plan/Archive Index --or-- List of Common Plant Names -- or -- List of Scientific Names -- or --Home Page - - - Back to top. Female catkins (pistillate) appear singly or in opposite pairs, are green and the individual small flowers are stalked. They are related to poplars and aspens. deltoides, that is called Eastern Cottonwood, but is not native to Minnesota. Come join me at www.peacockorchard.com . ), not the cottonwood tree.] It grows best on moist well-drained sands or silts near streams, often in pure stands. See All State Trees - National Tree. Wyoming designated the plains cottonwood as official state tree in 1947. During the tough years living in wild prairie plains where trees were a rarity, Native Americans derived great benefits from the cottonwood trees that would grow in the harsh conditions nonetheless. In Canada the range is from British Columbia east to Ontario. deltoides. Text and photos are by G. D. Bebeau unless otherwise credited. Plains Cottonwood David F. Van Haverbeke Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides), one of the largest eastern hardwoods, is short-lived but the fastest-growing commercial forest species in North America. Then the capsule splits and releases 7 to 10 seeds per ovary chamber; the seeds are attached to white cotton-like hair and are dispersed far and wide by the wind in early summer. Photo of cottonwood seeds by Steve Hurst / USDA/NRCS Plants Database. In 1765 he became âThe Kingâs Botanistâ for North America. No other tree approaches its stature on the grasslands that sweep five hundred miles from the ninety-eighth meridian to the foot of the Rockies. He sent many plants to Europe, including many to Linnaeus who considered him the âgreatest natural botanist is the world'. Mature trees in the state are usually 60 ′ to 80 ′ tall and up to 36 ″ in diameter at breast height. Bark: Yellowish-green and smooth on young trees but deeply furrowed in maturity. Two others are reported: One is a native cross - P. X jackii, Jack's Cottonwood, which is usually sterile [The DNR does not track county populations of it]; and the other is the introduced P. alba, White Poplar. Lanceleaf Cottonwood Tree; Narrowleaf Cottonwood Tree; Plains Cottonwood Tree; Great Plains Cottonwood Tree; Rio Grande Cottonwood Tree, a deciduous poplar of the willow family; Swamp Cottonwood Tree; Parry's Cottonwood Tree; Cottonwood Tree: Facts, Info on the Cottonwood Trees. The Plains Cottonwood is a large native deciduous tree forming a tall trunk, up to 100 feet high and diameters often larger than 4 feet. You can recognize them at a distance by their broad, white trunks. wislizeni. Below: The brilliant fall color of a Rio Grande Cottonwood, P. deltoides subsp. Plains cottonwood tree leaves; photo ©J.S. Identification booklet for most of the flowering forbs and small flowering shrubs of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden. Below: 1st photo - is the typical rough and deeply furrowed bark of cottonwood trunks, - 2nd photo - frequently the trough of the furrow is lighter color. Some species of cottonwood trees have been known to reach heights of 100 ft. (30 m) or more. Male Catkins: Below- 1st photo - partially elongated catkin; 2nd photo - the male flowers just emerging; 3rd photo - The male flowers fully developed with the stamens on filaments from the basal disc of the flower. Below: 1st photo - the upper branches which have smoother gray-ish white bark. The species, deltoides, is from the Greek letter 'Delta' and refers to the delta shape of the leaf. Both show the open crown. Catkins are also called 'aments'. They are shiny green on top, pale green under, and have a long slender, flattened stalk which has 2 round glands on the top side. are native along many streams and rivers in the Western United States. They have a basal disk, a 4 chambered ovary and pistil with 2 to 4 flattened stigmata. Great Plains cottonwood (P. sargentii), of North America, has thick coarse-toothed leaves. Cottonwood … The Plains cottonwood is also the largest broadleaf tree of Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Identification: This deciduous hardwood tree is the most massive tree in Minnesota. According to the county sign installed in the visitors’ viewing area, the plains cottonwood typically is a quick growing, short-lived tree with a life expectancy of about 90 years. Male Catkins: Below 1st photo - the catkin prior to elongation. The bark is smooth when young, light gray to yellow-green, turning gray with age becoming very thick, rough, and deeply furrowed. Plains cottonwood ranges from Alberta east to Quebec and south to Rocky Mountain foothills, the Great Plains, Pennsylvania, the Texas panhandle, and New Mexico [ 55, 88, 147, 173, 194 ]. The example in the 1st photo has multiple trunks branching close to the base and is squeezed around a shorter Black Willow on the right side. Cottonwood trees are also large shade trees and their sprawling branches have a spread of up to 113 ft. (34 m). Rich green, wide, triangular- shaped leaves turn yellow in … Photo Nov. 10, 2017 near the Rio Grande River at Bernado NM. The crown is open and spreading with slightly drooping stout branches. No other tree approaches its stature on the grasslands that sweep five hundred miles from the ninety-eighth meridian to the foot of the Rockies. Years of age to produce seed Canada the range is from the cotton-like. ; Edness K. Wilkins state Park, Wyoming diameter at breast height the seeds appear or! Had been accidentally dug up by the excavator had really nicely established cottonwood aspen. Columbia east to Ontario are reports of stands in several states further east but this excludes. The tree at my work so i can take cuttings and put them in the early spring, in of... Summer that changes to brilliant yellow in the NE section be about 10 to 15 years of age to seed... 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