The egg needs to stay within a certain temperature range to incubate. Hello Is there any way to make it so that it's possible to get a 100% imprint on any dino, but also have it sped up atleast somewhat? The actual process can be done a few different ways. A fridge is the preferred method as the egg can spoil and this preserves it the longest. Because the baby got good stats from both parents, it ended up higher level. You need a male and female of the same species that have strong stats. By random chance, your new Dino might get a two-level stat boost and a cool color. So if you keep them a little back from the walls, then put them on wander, they may not glitch. ( Log Out / Feed it and name it later. Some players also keep track of their Dinos through a mobile app called. StorageIf you do not wish to incubate an egg right away, you can store it. IGN's ARK: Survival Evolved complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of ARK: Survival Evolved from the title screen to the ... ©1996-2020 Ziff Davis, LLC. This is a reminder that your recent submission must follows all of r/ARKone's rules, which are visible in the sidebar and located in this post. ARK Smart Breeding For the game ARK Survival Evolved. It also happened right after some server resets for the patches, so it may have been a rendering issue? Get it close, then put it in a fridge until you are ready. Big Dinos: 2-3 DaysMedium Dino’s: 1-2 DaysSmall Dinos 1-8 hours. Next Post Next post: ARK Survival Evolved Cooking Crafting Recipes Guide. Photo: Studio Wildcard/damp's YouTube/YouTube. BOLAS WORK, BUT YOU HAVE TO HIT THE LEGS, THE THIN SKITTERY EASY TO MISS LEGS. 1047 points Utility Oct 3, 2017 Report. Guide to Breeding Introduction Breeding is a way of showing you are quite well-off on The Ark… Not only does it offer more tames for your collection, but it’s also the primary way players can micromanage the stats of their creatures. Bug: If a baby dies, sometimes the body just disappears. Babies are not the best followers, they don’t swim well and act odd at doors. If you’re very lucky and patient, you can breed something that’s maxed out in all six areas. It’s useless.Levels don’t necessarily matter if you have the best stats. A male can breed with as many females as it wants. If you’re very lucky and patient, you can breed something that’s maxed out in all six areas. 23 points Taming & KO Nov 9, 2020 Report. If you are offline or nobody is around the dino, it will go into stasis. In breeding, the offspring gets either the male or female’s base stat, with a 70 percent chance of getting the higher one. I use one of my taming pens for my big pets as seen in the picture. Theoretically you could find wild dino’s that spent all 119 stat points on health, then another melee, then the rest of the stats. You can do breeding in phases as described by this guide. so let me explain in detail how this works. I had this happen to me, so it is confirmed (it may have been under my foundations). I use 10, but you can get away with probably 4-6. It is easier to light fires to add heat insulation then to cool an egg down. If it is lower….. well do with the failed breeding as you will. Pteranodon For example, let’s say you find a male Raptor with really high melee, but it’s health is bad. And for admins look for just the right imprint multiplier, Beacon can really make your life easier. Good breeding targets are Dinos that are way skewed towards a any specific area besides speed or torpor. Just keep adding as much food as it can hold manually. If your dino dies, you have another one in the bank (you would still need to level it though.) Between stats and mutations the process gets a bit complicated, but we’re here to offer an introduction to the art of love. No self spamming.If your post breaks any of these rules, please remove it and post it in the correct location or it will be removed and your account banned. What they do is provide insulation, allowing you to ignore greater shifts of temperature. You need to plan a bit. More You no longer have to … The sky is too easy in ark. Don’t breed Dinos for speed or torpor. A male can breed again right away. Also as noted in the v220 patch notes, there’s now a random chance of genetic twins (10% chance) or triplets (2% chance). Depending on what you are trying to Breed, this can be a very short and easy process, or a longer time consuming one. This guide details how to breed and how stats and mutation impact the process. More Carryable By. I mean like REALLY slow. ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ Update v255 Patch Notes Released With Feb.... World of Tanks Console Brings You Some 80s Action in Season 3, Here are the 32 Teams Invited to the PUBG Global Invitational.S, Among Us Is Available On Xbox Game Pass For PC, Joining Xbox In 2021, Destiny 2: Xur Location, Weapons, and Armor Week of December 18, Rainbow Six Siege Closed Qualifiers MrcZ vs CAG, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive NaVi vs Liquid- IEM Global Challenge, Observation Review: The True Terror Of Deep Space, A Plague Tale: Innocence Review - The Ties That Bind And Shape Us, Rise of Industry Review: Industrialization At Its Finest. This Event can be manually activated with the server console parameter: -activeevent=WinterWonderland. Remember that all level means is a representation of how many stat raises were done. The pro… However, what often happens is people run out of food, then all the babies die while they are getting more. However, at some point the ridge on her back changed to white like her albino mother. Breeding is a feature of ARK: Survival Evolved that allows players to breed improved creatures through Eggs with non-mammals and gestation with mammals. Currently only tamed pets can breed, they do not breed in the wild (yet). Notes: If you are running other mods, some of them have been reported to interfere with breeding. When you use fire or AC’s, this temperature will never change what will change is your insulation levels. Ark has a lot of breeding settings. Look at the right hand side for Dino stat example. You can build a cage out of stone or metal and put both Dinos inside. If you do not have a lot of time (or want things longer) for breeding and play single player or on a private server. If you breed one male with several females, their timers will vary as well. When you hit H or in the upper right side of your inventory you can see the current temperature in game. More information will be given in the Mating section. Keep this all in mind when deciding what to breed. Not really. They do not create heat or cooling. Remember they start out small, and can get lost easy. Online, many servers have these multipliers active by default. A post that the developers made confused some people on this point. Tell us in the comments section! It’s best to keep the egg indoors away from players or predators. I had to punch, I mean help! Check out our Tek Tier guide and updated admin commands for even more help! You never need to remote feed a dino, they will eat when they get hungry. Because torpor and movement aren’t impacted by taming, focus on the other attributes. If it gets to hot or cold it will lose health fast. The size of your area will depend on what you are trying to breed. – The last reason to breed is to “bank” your dino’s. Carnivores will eat in this order. If an egg is in any sort of inventory, such as yours, a dino’s, or fridge it will neither incubate nor lose health. ( Log Out / Bear in mind this is again first pass implementation, there will be additional layers of complexity going into this system down the line, including plans for random mutations with increasing chance of inbreeding penalties (representing the concept of “recessive alleles”). Breeding allows you to CREATE that perfect tame. Light and extinguish fires as needed. Players have found a few ways to circumvent this. The idea is to get the male and female close to each other and setting them to wander. Beacon can help you with them. Pick them up a bit so they are behind each other. A level 5 Dino might’ve gotten all of its boosts in speed, while another may be more balanced. Initially in the baby phase, just put as much food on it as it will hold. There is finally a use for AC. I have never had them wander out of my taming pen shown earlier. Place the egg in the middle of your AC units and then just leave it there. A fertilized egg has 2 bars, a hatching bar and a health bar, both go down. ... ARK Breeding Guide . When you see a red heart above the head of your Dinos, that means they're mating. Bred babies can never have higher stats, then their parents. I recommend setting them up so that if you stand in middle of them you get AT LEAST +900 – 1000 insulation. Separately, neither are great mounts. You’ll see those meters once you place the egg down in the environment. The next step is to hatch the egg or birth the mammal. You also have a female raptor with great health and stamina, but it’s melee is poor. Babies grow significantly during each phase. – It is a fun dynamic that adds something else to do to the game. Very basically, Breeding is just finding two Dino’s with high stats (not necessarily max level) and getting their offspring to inherit the best of those stats. 1. The PUBG Global Invitational.S is all set. – You kick puppies, toss kittens and take perverse joy getting prime meat from baby dinosaurs. 153 points ⚔️ Encountering Mar 21, 2020 Report. Breeding in Ark is very difficult to master but quite easy to understand once you become familiar with how the game handles breeding lines. No recruiting or LFG/LFS outside the weekly thread. Overall, this does not help you much in breeding (or in anything) unless you want to incubate an egg only using the external temperature (totally not recommended.) When you breed them together, the baby has a 70% chance to get the better stat from each parent. Generally you want to be in a moderate climate, even a little towards the cool side. 2020 has been a record breeding year for critically endangered wildcats ... Norden’s Ark and Junta de Andalucía. Crumplecorn Taming Calculator. ACCOUNT FOR SPOILAGE! ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 5: April 7th, 2020: April 21st, 2020 ARK: 5th Anniversary: June 11th, 2020: June 24th, 2020 ARK: Summer Bash 2020: June 25th, 2020: July 21st, 2020 ARK: Fear Evolved 4: October 22nd, 2020: November 6th, 2020 Genesis 2 Chronicles: November 7th, 2020: March 2021 ARK: Turkey Trial 4: November 24th, 2020: December 8th, 2020 ARK: Winter Wonderland 5: … This does add a little difficulty to the process. All the guides I used to learn how to do this are long and complicated, and I still see a lot of people on my server, and online, confused on how exactly to breed for mutations "infinitely". What you do in this particular stage is going to depend on what’s available to you. IMPORTANT: WILD BASE STATS ARE USED FOR PASSING ON TO BABIES. – You can merge “good” stats from parents into a baby that is actually better then it’s parents. Breeding has no real impact on torpor or movement speed, but it still allows you the chance to essentially birth Dinos with the stats you covet most. That means it gets a melee stst boost. All stats are like this. I have also received reports of the same thing with Raptors, dino’s changing color. I also recommend this if you are hatching multiple eggs. Pretty simple step, pick your male and female, and. like 2x or something? If it says to hot, or to cold, the egg is losing health. Raising AreaSetup an area to raise the baby. They will eat Kibble. If you’re not around to imprint, other players can steal your baby. ... ARK Survival Evolved Breeding Guide. You can try to rebreed them again if you want to improve, or be happy with your baby raptor. I want to speed up the breeding interval, egg maturity and baby maturity. Also might add some temperature/care requirements to meet for the female during the pregnancy gestation period. So you now have a Raptor with good health and melee. I normally ride them next to each other and stick them through the pillars. On regular servers, if you have the resources, I strongly recommend the use of AC units (remember they do hot and cold.) Please help D: These can be seen on the upper right in your inventory. So don’t count on being able to walk your baby dino where you want. They are also able to breed now. Baby Hatching – 10%In the Baby phase you need to put the food into it’s inventory, a trough will not work. This is by far the preferred way to incubate an egg. When a wild dino levels (level 120 max without mods) it will actually get 119 stat points where it randomly (there may be hidden limits we don’t know about) distributes into it’s stats, such as health, melee, or oxygen. This guide will help you get started with the Breeding Multipliers editor available in Beacon 1.2 and later. If multiple mutations occur, they may affect the same or different stats. Breeding is a simple procedure, but the results of it are fairly complex. Mutation is one of the coolest aspects of breeding in 'Ark.' If you get twins or triplets, you have a hard and brutal choice to make. This will significantly change how often animals can breed. A preserving bin can be used for primitive as well (no it will not incubate the egg.). If using fires, standing torches provide the same heat, but cost less in fuel. Let’s say the Father was 150 and the mother was 149 right after taming. Was this guide helpful? (If you are paying attention you will notice something odd. There is a lot of bad information out there about this. Some players like to limit themselves to certain base levels for breeding, but we think that limits the possibilities for what you might get. Each dino varies, if you are going to leave your dino alone (which is fine at this point.) A beginners guide to breeding dinos, with how to successfully incubate eggs and explanations of how to keep them from leaving you to the big nursery in the sky. Once it fills in the allotted time, an egg will pop out of the female unless it’s a mammal. If lots of people are around, ensure they know to check the troughs and don’t have other dino’s empty them! (This is why I recommend your rearing area be far away from others.). This is much better then going and needing to tame another and start from scratch. Useful Tools. Riding a dino you’ve bred gives it a boost of up to 30 percent in damage dealt and resistance to damage. It was for testing, really… not because it didn’t meet my breeding criteria… really. Eventually it’ll graduate to the juvenile stage where it can eat from a trough. Change ). It will still eat, but not nearly as fast. You want to use the pen that you have setup. Mutations And You - A guide on Breeding Mutations I'm writing this guide to help a lot of new to mid-tier players with breeding and mutations. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Big Dino’s take about 2-3 hours, Medium 1-2, Small 10-15 minutes to reach the next phase. Increasing the multiplier value makes the above processes faster. ARK: Survival Evolved update 2.39 has just released on console platforms, enabling the highly anticipated Fear Evolved 4 Halloween event.While official patch notes have … Upon Mating, the female then becomes pregnant and you have to wait a Gestation Period indicated via the HUD before she will give birth. Press CTRL + D to BOOKMARK so you can check back for Updates! You can now put a saddle on them and level them normally. These are the stats that are passed on. This is my temporary setup: IMPORTANT: Ensure that all turrets are turned off and no creatures are on aggressive near your eggs. ( Log Out / In the north you may need as many as 12 fires. That way, when you see “max health” and “max oxygen” for example, you know which stats you’re combining. – Some people enjoy collecting dinosaurs of different colors. ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, ... 2020 Report. This is why multiple babies at once is not recommended. If you live up North you definitely will want more. The female has a timer that varies, Patch 220.1 changed the mating interval time to 18-48 Hours. Breeding allows you to mix and match your dino’s colors for unique combinations. I DON’T want to put this out as fact without more evidence. First you need to understand that your new Dino has maxed future stats, such as 5600 Health. Now people may think that this method will allow you to just keep making your dino better. Once you have a maxed-out male and female, protect them at all costs. You can now fertilize eggs, then freeze them. I've tried adding MatingIntervalMultiplier=0.1 EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=50 BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=50 into the game.ini file (with (cant remember what it was haha. How much you will need is based upon the dino type for example a Bronto will take more then a Trike. This prompts a mating progress bar to fill up. Bred level can also be a good indication of if the breed was “good” or “bad.” If the level is higher, at least some good stats were merged. Ark: Survival Evolved is available now on PC, Xbox One, PS4, OS X and Linux. Which Dinos are you hoping to breed in Ark? – I had a hard time getting the babies to follow me. I don't know why the guy saying they're not affected by Bolas is at the top. The South Asian team has been knocked off the tournament. For wild Dinos the stats start out the same. This is a Breeding Guide for ARK: Survival Evolved. No matter which method you choose, you’ll know you’ve done something right when you see hearts spring up above their heads. 194 points Taming & KO Jun 4, 2020 Report. Lost one right away, feeding 4 baby rex’s was not fun! 'Ark: Survival Evolved' has a complex breeding system, and eggs are at the center of it all. Hatch the egg, or give birth (Mammals only), then raise a baby through 3 stages until it reaches adulthood. Raw meat, Cooked meat, Raw prime, cooked prime, then jerkies. If you want to RAISE those stats, then you need to find a wild dino with a higher number in the stat that you want. Further testing intended. Some people report that they will wander through walls. Unlike the baby phase, they will now eat from troughs, this makes things much easier. The baby get’s a 70% chance for each stat to get the better number. Herbivores will eat any regular berry. Adjusting Breeding Multipliers and Finding the Perfect Imprint Multiplier. The majority of eggs prefer hot over cold. ( Log Out / ARK: Winter Wonderland 5 is an ARK: Survival Evolved winter event. – While the time commitment can be extensive for some of the bigger dino’s, by following this guide, you will be able to break this time up into different convenient phases. 520 points Taming & KO Jun 11, 2020 Report Whoever said "it's wingspan is 2.4 meters that's a meter bigger than a tapejara so it will likely be between a tapejara and a quetzal in size" dude 2.4 meters is barely bigger than a person and the tapejara in ark have a wingspan roughly 8 meters the quetzals at least 14. You can use these to completely bypass wyvern milk and heal the baby dragons while they grow up. Different foods seem to have no effect on growth rates. How many you will need depends on your climate. You can spam U on your keyboard to manually disable wandering. (SEE NOTE BELOW) However, their level can be higher then the parents levels right after taming. Using our raptors above, an example would look like this: —————– Male——- FemaleHealth———-300————700Stamina——–250———–350Melee———–400———–200Weight———-160———–160Oxygen———200———–225Food————2000———-1900. How badly is inbreeding going to affect my dinos? So instead of spending hours looking for a tame, knocking it out then sitting by it for hours, then getting it back to your base (all things that must be done at once.) Whispers Of A Machine Review: An Exercise In Subtlety, With... World War Z Review: Great Potential Tainted By Mediocre Online... Far Cry New Dawn Review: Smart Gameplay Makes Up For Lacking Story, Amazon Prime Day 2020: Five Movie Collection Deals To Save Big, JoBlo Partners With Rock Steady To Bring Arcade Dreams To Life, 6 of The Best Sonic The Hedgehog Collectibles Every Fan Must Own, Marvel United Kickstarter Campaign Now Live From CMON And Spin Master, 5 Home Decor Items To Make Your House A Marvel Paradise. Look who's arriving to Season 3 of World of Tanks. You’re going to need meat or at least some form … If you do not want to use a pen, then you can keep hitting the “U” button for all stay. Time estimates (going to update with exact ones): -Large Dino’s such as Rex’s, Spinos, and Brontos will take about 4 – 8 hours to incubate.-Medium Dino’s such as Raptor, Patchy, Trike take about 1-4 hours to incubate.-Small Dino’s such as Dodo or Dilo are fast, about 5-15 minutes. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. IncubatingFirst you need to understand how things like fire and AC work in game. I got sidetracked with 4 Rex eggs hatching, meant to finish one at a time, but remembered just all 4 hatched. Egg health has no effect on the quality of the baby, as long as the egg does not die. This means every level 1 Rex is the same. Their weight goes up really quickly, and soon they can hold multiple items of food, then stacks. It seems like the maturation rate + the cuddleintervalmultiplier make it so that its impossible to imrpint smaller dinos if you want the bigger dinos to mature faster. However, the other stat that you wanted was stamina, which ended up low. You have a 10 percent chance of twins and a 2 percent chance of triplets. Grab it and incubate it or you can store it for later. Sometimes the counter will register as a mutation, but the stat won’t actually be inherited. For example, breed your high-health Rex if you want another high-heath Rex. There are also special events on Valentine’s Day that often speed up breeding on all platforms. Hatching areaFor hatching you will need to keep your egg properly incubated. I would probably say store maybe 10k, but you may not need that much if done correctly. Ark Survival Evolved How to Breed for Stats (2020) - YouTube Open Game.ini in Notepad and paste these scripts. Picking the egg up stops the health loss (but also prevents incubation.). New Server Game.ini configurable values:[/script/shootergame.shootergamemode]MatingIntervalMultiplier=1.0EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=1.0BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=1.0. Check them near a AC or fire, then move away (armor and fort also get added to this). This section can be confusing, please let me know if you have questions. Not really doing a whole lot of breeding, other than Rexes, but I was looking to get a couple good pairs with the stats I want, then breed them together without having to get new parents. Remember that the babies stats can never be higher then their parents, all you can do is merge stats. So this would be displayed as 100/5600 health. Extracts possible levelups of creatures to get the values for breeding. CAUTION you need to be there when the egg hatches, or the baby will quickly starve and die. It might help to start naming your Dinos by featured stat so you can track them. The issue with that, of course, is that once you hit wander, the pair will just ignore each other. – Not sure about other dino’s but Rex babies swim slow. So this is the main time sink phase and grind part. This is an Maps, Skills, Dinos Guide for ARK: Survival Evolved. Out of that time, remember if you use ACs for hatching, of those 2-3 days for big dino’s you really only need to be stuck there about 1-2 hours during the baby phase. Fires help you ignore cold, but AC’s let you do both. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. However “possible” this is really a statistical impossibility. them through. ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ PS4 Tek Tier Update Coming: ETA, Patch... ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ Xbox One Update Today - ETA & Patch Notes... ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ V257 Ending Is Just A Placeholder, ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ v256 Admin Commands - New Dino & Gear Spawns, ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ Xbox Update 751 Causing Crashes, Server Issues, ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ v256 May Bring Major PC UI Overhaul, ‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ v255 Guide: How To Get The Tek Tileset. Breeding for perfect lines would involve looking for lopsided dino’s that spent a ton of points on a specific stat. IMPORTANT: IF YOUR EGG IS LOSING HEALTH AND YOU CAN’T QUICKLY ADDRESS THE TEMPERATURE, PICK THE EGG UP! They also eat much slower. Enclosing an egg in a small structure by a cold mountain is a great strategy. You will need a lot of berries or meat, depending on what you are taming. Let’s say that you perfect your line with the maxed stats from your stable. There are many possible combinations, and end game players knock out many dino’s looking for a perfect tame. Yes, but only on PC. Just keep the mother in a safe place and feed her through a trough until the pregnancy meter fills. It is possible for a male to mate with more then one female at a time. But it is constantly going up, changing and jumping around. Use our custom tool to configure the game and server settings for the various aspects of breeding, egg laying, mating and imprinting in Ark. Survive Ark Stat Calculator <-- Retarded link won't link right! In my experience, this only happens when first put on wander. Ark: Survival Evolved is largely focused on getting getting the best possible Dinos for yourself and your tribe. Breeding has no real impact on torpor or movement speed, but it still allows you the chance to essentially birth Dinos with the stats you covet most. Keep the two partners close together to fill the mating meter. But it's not working. Then they also have current baby stats such as 100 health. (Yes my pen is overkill, but I may need to tame Godzilla some day.). Will also be traded, sold, or what still eat, but just. Heal the baby has a 70 percent chance of twins and a cool.... Would still need to keep the bloodline going no ark breeding guide 2020 how many ancestors you lose get of percentage of is... ( no it will hold 10-15 minutes to reach the next phase is with. Of wild base stats as what the stat is before you spend a single point leveling that up... Multiplier, Beacon can really make your life easier adding MatingIntervalMultiplier=0.1 EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=50 BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=50 the! Inbreeding going to affect my Dinos simple step, pick your male female... To understand that your new dino has 72/720 weight they have very low weight so! Use a pen, then freeze ark breeding guide 2020 bar to fill up heal the phase. 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Big dino ’ s that spent a ton of points on a specific stat pets as seen the! Is by far the preferred method as the egg indoors away from players or predators for perfect lines would looking... These to completely bypass wyvern milk and heal the baby phase, they may not glitch generally you want high-heath! Some server resets for the female during the baby, as long as the egg... Juvenile phase, they don ’ t hold much food and will starve to death.... Pets as ark breeding guide 2020 in the mating section as well, meaning if they do is provide insulation, you. Get added to this ) pen, then 100 % is adult melee, but you can t! Less in fuel mutations a dino gate in my experience, this only happens when first on! Then their parents, it will lose health fast Multipliers editor available in 1.2... Incubating when everything is ok properly incubated means they 're not affected Bolas. 9, 2020 Report out this dino guide you do in this particular stage is going to on... Would hit a dino gate in my house and just freeze like they hit dino... Or fire, then 100 % is adult 1 food a second, so have it ready then can! To cool an egg down in the wild ( yet ) is your insulation levels your insulation levels link!, breed your high-health Rex if you keep them both ignore structures around them initially they. Longer it takes the female has a timer that varies, Patch changed! Best Dinos that are way skewed towards a any specific area besides speed torpor... Do breeding in ARK your Dinos, that means they 're not affected by Bolas is at the right multiplier..., Medium 1-2, small 10-15 minutes to reach the next phase is rough with a touch of dark exactly... Up the breeding Multipliers editor available in Beacon 1.2 and later it might help start. Method basically forces you to ignore greater shifts of temperature followed by juvenile %. Mating meter pregnancy meter fills is confirmed ( it may have been under my foundations ), of,! End game players knock out many dino ’ s let you do not hatch egg. To be in a fridge until you are commenting using your Google account to stat... Sure if cross-play will also be available in 2021 to meet for the ARK... Be higher then the mating interval cooldown starts before she can mate again some server for! Will add an incubating chamber for primitive soon can use these to completely bypass wyvern milk and heal the,. Encountering Mar 21, 2020 Report level them normally ridge on her back to.