However, a number of other techniques, exclusive to the field of personality measurement have also been developed. The phenomenological approach, lays emphasis on ‘wholism’ or ‘totalism’ and is critical of the classical approach of analysis and classification. Human rights are extremely important for the overall development of a country and individuals on a personal level. This, of course, appears to be the most common trend. Need for the Concept of Personality: Essay # 3. The development of personality testing has made it possible to assess various aspects of personality. For example, a young man is wearing his best suit and going for an interview. Every human being is unique. The trait approach aims at identifying basic units of personality and views the personality as a sum total of these. Many employers, as well as graduate and professional schools, will ask you to submit a personal essay (sometimes called a personal statement) before even considering you for an interview.Being able to compose a coherent version of yourself in words is … Thus, researches in the areas of perception, learning and other behavioural processes have shown that these processes are determined by certain stable and consistent factors in the person. Though this movement is of recent origin, behavioural measures of personality have been found to be very useful, especially in studying the personalities of psychotic patients and even neurotic patients. Some psychologists have criticised these tests because the inference drawn from such tests leads to a lot of confusion and even subjectivity. Of course, there have been different approaches to this problem. Some raters hesitate to give extremely low or high ratings even though a situation might warrant it. The personality of an individual provides a frame of reference for the events occurring in the individual’s life. Ames has carried out extensive researches to study typical responses of normal children, normal adolescents and also normal older people. This Five Factor, In psychology, trait theory (also called dispositional theory) is an approach to the study of human personality. The website claims that INFJs are idealistic, future-oriented, 1 But to create laws to prevent rapes from occurring is unjust. Different people react differently to frustrating situations. While there is no generally agreed upon definition of personality, most theories focus on motivation and psychological interactions with one's environment. However, Lewins’ field theory may be regarded as a milestone in the development of the phenomenological approach. 5. Basically the behaviouristic position would hold that personality is nothing but the package of consistent and generalized elements in the behaviour of a person across different situations. This was noted by the great Greek physician Hippocrates as long ago as 400BC (2400 years ago!). One such attempt was that of Rotter who stated that past learning creates certain expectations or cognitive expectancies. Just as in physics and chemistry we look for atoms and molecules, and for different types of cells in biology, similarly, in the study of personality this question becomes relevant. These rights are inherent in every human being irrespective of his/her gender, culture, religion, nation, location, caste, creed or economic status. That being said, Freud linked everything with sex. Today, the field of personality measurement is highly developed and is finding application in a number of situations such as personnel selection, treatment of psychological disorders, etc. And those who commit that crime should be punished. This test consists of 24 cartoons or stick-pictures. Psychology Essays - perspective on personality Free human personality Essays and Papers - 123helpme Personality of psychology paper Anson Wong - Academiaedu Psychology Essays - Developmental Psychology Personality psychology Essays and Research Papers Short Essay About Personality Psychology Essay Writing Guide for Psychology Students Simply Personality Psychology - GCSE … The psychologists who have been primarily concerned with studying the structure of personality have devoted their efforts in understanding, describing and measuring these various units of personality. Responses are, thus, classified in this manner. The Jungian personality test showed that my personality type, the INFP, is a mediator (Jung, 1998). In addition, a number of other criteria are also used. (f) The personality of another person can be understood only if we can look at the world through the other person’s eyes. b. psychoanalytic (Freudian) psychology. His observation was, “no brain, no personality”. Such as how I have found my personality group through Human metrics; which presented that I was within the INFJ grouping (Jung, 1998). Here, one can see that an individual behaves in a particular manner because his or her personality is of such a nature. Human resources personal statement for 800 score gmat essay Careful, systematic attention to the author. They have suggested that a person’s behaviour as it is can be used to measure personality. Rosenzweig developed an adult form and a children’s form of this test. Further, this pattern or organisation extends across situations, with the result that every person behaves with a certain degree of consistency and at the same time behaves in a manner different from others. Similarly, terms like irritable personality or charming personality are frequently used. Theory of human personality Intro to essay 2 q1 DescriptionSummarize Freud’s theory of human, Piaget’s approach to human development, and Mead’s view of the development of the self. These types of laws assume that people will do wrong and that their human personality is wrong. Sometimes, ratings are done by comparison against descriptions or actual models of different levels of a particular trait. Abstract Over the years, however, several psychologists have found it necessary to change this descriptive and static concept of personality. ‘Psychogenic’ needs, the former being basically phenomenological and physiological in nature and the latter psychological. Skinner would hold that this withdrawal behaviour was acquired and is persisting because it has been reinforced in the past, advertently or inadvertently. Such an influence is reciprocal and Bandura termed this as reciprocal determinism. Freud saw all human behavior motivated by our libido. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: Introduction: Human rights are as old as human civilization; but their use and relevance have been well defined during the recent years. have been employed to measure personality. Here are five essays about the issue that everyone should know: “We need an economic bill of rights” – Martin Luther King Jr. It has been criticised as being unscientific and mainly descriptive. In many instances, the term personality is used in an evaluative sense. But, it may be said, that in spite of various limitations and disagreements the growth of personality tests has contributed a great deal to our understanding of the nature of personality itself. These are more or less like the hypotheses postulated by a scientist while carrying out some experiments. Advanced Search. The emphasis in explaining behaviour is on the current psychological situations and not on the past history, as advocated by the psychoanalysis and behaviourism. So he is not easily discouraged and keeps on trying. are analysed. This test was developed by Bellak. The personality of an ‘individual’ is a totality and not divisible into units. Psychologists like Adomo, Fenkel Brunswick and others came out with the view that some individuals develop a type of personality called the authoritarian personality. According to Bandura, people’s behaviour patterns, affective and cognitive, influence similar processes in others and also the environment. A typical personality questionnaire consists of a number of questions which the respondent has to answer. These feelings of ‘self-worth’ and ‘self-regard’ are very vital in determining the development of the personality. Home; Subjects; Other; UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEINGS; Nobody downloaded yet. The Rorschach test is a perceptual test. For example, sudden changes and transformation of behaviour can scarcely be explained by this approach. The personality of an individual is the product of a process of development. Comments (0) Add to wishlist Delete from wishlist. His theory has found wide acceptance among psychologists. Thus, needs, sentiments, themes, etc. Personality is the way that a person behaves, in short, the outcome of the human behavior. Kelly calls them personal constructs. Personality is the factor responsible for enabling a psychological order in behaviour and gives direction to behaviour. How to Write a Good Describing Your Personality Essay By Emily Peterson. Further, it can also be seen that the type of the test employed depends on the approach and theoretical bias of the person using the test. Another common technique of measuring personality is through questionnaires and inventories. However, the dynamic view has come to find more acceptance than the static view. It, thus, influences and determines the other behavioural processes. Personality is the characteristics and traits that define a human being. Writing a justified description of your personality is quite a task. Separate personality inventories for children, adults and different populations have been developed. The interaction of needs, among themselves, results in the formation of sentiments. Similarly in any audience situation, we find one or two people prompting the entire audience to ‘clap or support’. At the same time, it is the personality which also enables commonness of behaviour, sharing of perceptions, values, goals, etc. In addition, measurement, description and even prediction has been made possible, though not with total accuracy. It is called the CAT or the Children’s Apperception Test. According to Kelly, personality development in short, is an effort on the part of the people to arrive at a set of “integrated constructs” which would be in tune with reality and stand confirmed and validated. It's based on the works of Carl Jung, a very prominent figure in the field of Psychology. Thus ’empathy’ is a very important quality, for understanding the other person. (e) The emphasis is on typical human characteristics like consciousness, self-awareness, creativity, the active ability to make decisions to deal with the environment etc. The child is not born with a ‘personality’ but develops one as a result of continuous interaction with different aspects of the environment. This is a ‘spread effect’ and is known as halo error. The responses are analysed for indications of one’s personality. Those who subscribe to the cognitive behavioural approach claim that this approach is more helpful in predicting behaviour much more than the approaches based on psychodynamic concepts or disposition. These remarks are analysed and on the basis of that, the frustration tolerance is analysed. It was found by the army that several soldiers developed anxiety and other forms of psychological problems which incapacitated them from taking part in the fighting. Further, they should also have the ability to integrate the assessment of individual components into a single total measure. 2. In this context Rotter propounded the concept of Locus of Control and classified people into externals and internals. There is a good deal of agreement among most psychologists on these points. But certainly we are in a much better position today than where we were a few decades ago. However, psychologists have been very sharply divided on this issue, and whether a particular psychologist takes a structural view or a functional view influences his research in the field of personality. In each picture one such situation is depicted and a blank space is left near the frustrated person. 275 words / page; Font: 12 point Arial/Times New Roman; … Similar programmes of behaviour change and skill learning have also been developed for adults. A response based on the total blot is called ‘W. He further classified needs into ‘focal’ and ‘diffused’, ‘pro-active’ and ‘reactive’. Some examples of items in such inventories are given below: Subsequently a number of personality inventories and questionnaires were developed. In the use of this term, we may see that the following implications are involved: 1. From such revelations the trained psychologist is able to draw inferences about the personality. Personality is defined as the characteristic sets of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. It exercises constraints and may provide push. (b) What are the feelings and thoughts of the figures in the picture? There has been a fear expressed that laying too much emphasis on concepts like “self” may take us back to a soul psychology which was discarded long back. Bandura calls the latter self-efficacy. He defined personality as an aspect that consists of the collection of human behaviors in a certain environment. He believed our sexual being was the most powerful of all inner forces throughout human development. While the ink blots essentially remain the same, variations have been introduced to enable administration of the test to a group of people, provision of multiple choice alternative responses from which the individual has to choose and also in techniques of interpretation. The first perspective is the biological perspective of personality. > How to Write a Good Describing Your Personality Essay. Thus, a young child who returns from school and has his milk moves into the region of play. While the two approaches share many things in common, there are also differences. Based on the concept of operant conditioning. Biological and Trait Perspectives and Explanations of Neuroticism According to Lewin, when a particular system in the inner person is activated, the individual’s activity moves from one region to another. The human being was held to be internally empty, and treated to be a helpless victim of planned or accidental contingencies or accidents of the environment. In actual life, individual behavioural processes like learning, motivation, memory, etc. Skinner, with whose work on operant conditioning the reader is very familiar, tried to relate observable behaviour to observable environmental events. Usually a layman uses the term personality to describe the response or behaviour of a person. 8. The behaviouristic views of Skinner and Watson, tried to explain all human behaviour as a result of “learning” in response to external events, stimuli and experiences. these alone, individually or taken together, cannot help us to understand, interpret or predict the behaviour of a person. It has been shown that behaviour or verbal responses are not simple and direct expressions of the personality. In view of this certain psychologists, while trying to maintain the broad frame of the behavioural approach, attempted to integrate them with certain cognitive concepts. According to him, every individual lives in a ‘phenomenal or psychological space’. While remaining stable, it is always possible that ‘personality’ can change and grow. do not occur independently and individually. These types are also sometimes referred to as closed or open. The biological perspective is strongly based on other scientific fields in laboratory or clinical conditions such as biology and biochemistry. They are like tendencies; a person’s predisposition to react in a certain way in various different situations. On the basis of the stories, the needs of the person, the environmental pressures operating on him, the integration of these in the form of theme, etc. A large part of it is still an enigma. The phenomenological approach is often considered together with what is known as the organismic approach. However, … The reader might have come across certain personality questionnaires and inventories, either while appearing for some interview or selection test or, perhaps, even in some books. The scenes are semi-structured and provide enough opportunity for the subject to respond freely according to one’s own inner conditions. It may seem strange for some people to not want to wear their seat belt but it is just because they have a different personality. In life, humans rely on society to keep them in tact and instruct them on what to do. Such a view can be called a descriptive and static view of personality. Sometimes the term personality is used to describe the effect a person has on others. Describe Your Personality. Personality as a Descriptive Concept: Essay # 4. The former were mostly academics working in universities and colleges, following the “analytical and elemental approach” of classical ‘pure’ science, while most of the authors of type theories were practising psychiatrists or clinical psychologists, or psychoanalysts, whose main concern was diagnosis, classification and treatment. Bandura also highlights the role of learned expectations like Rotter, expectations about what is likely to happen and one’s own behaviour in the possibility of one’s success. Thirdly the questions or items should measure personality and not anything else. Essay on the Use of Dynamic Approach to Understand Human Personality Article shared by The dynamic approach to understand personality involved search for the processes by which needs, motives and impulses – often hidden from view – interact to produce the individual’s behaviour. Each picture depicts two persons, one of them facing a frustrating situation. All this ties into the idea of libido, or our desires. The individual is told that the story should clearly indicate the following: (a) Who is the hero or the main character? The term personality is very commonly employed in advertisements or when people issue certificates or testimonials to others. The type approach, though not primarily analytical looking for specific elements like traits was concerned with classifying persons into different types, based on certain broad and general patterns of behaviour, like extroversion and introversion. Fortunately, however, as the gaps between the different theories are getting bridged, personality tests also are becoming issues of consensus and agreement. This is a very complicated task. The formation of an individual’s personality is influenced by a number of factors like heredity, constitutional factors, social and cultural factors and specific experiential factors. Meaning of Personality: All of us must have come across the term personality. 4. What do all the theories have in common? Similarly doubts have been expressed as to whether, all aspects of the personality are ‘learnt’. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Psychology. I was also able to learn much more about the career that I may be pursuing in the future, as well as the people in the field similar to it. In other words, what is it that personality is made up of? The personality of an individual has certain characteristics which he shares with others and at the same time certain other characteristics which are unique to him. Colour responses are called ‘C and form responses are called ‘F’. The study of the growth and development of the human personality is called . (iii) The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): This test, developed by Murray, is another outstanding projective test. Some of these were meant to be used in special situations like hospitals for instance, while others were meant for general use. They are based on the verbal responses of the person and on the assumption that personality is something underlying and is to be inferred. Psychological researches even today are not free from the controversy between these two views, the dynamic view, on the one hand and the static descriptive view, on the other. These blots were selected after trying out a number of variations. But these broad guidelines guide the personality and behaviour of the people. 2. An attempt is made here to present some of the practical implications of the knowledge and research findings regarding personality. This part of the enquiry involves finding out from the person whether one’s response was determined primarily by the colour black, red, yellow, etc. Psychologists like Maslow, Rogers, and Goldstein who belong to this group, prefer to use the term ‘self rather than personality. Human personality is what makes a person distinctive, unique, and exceptional. It may be seen that in all these instances the term personality is used as a descriptive or evaluative term. This process of moving from one region to another is known as ‘locomotion’. ‘Personality’ refers to the organised, consistent and general pattern of behaviour of a person across situations which helps us to understand his or her behaviour as an individual. The view of Carl Rogers is examined under the topic of self. This goes a long way in helping us to offer proper guidance to people regarding-the choice of proper vocations, fields of study, etc. The questions must elicit the same answer on different occasions, from the same persons. This is called validity. The result is rigidity and even alienation from reality. There are certain organising and integrating processes which help to combine and weave these individual processes into the behaviour of a person. can affect the integration and stability of the personality, resulting in personality disorders. This resulted in a discarding of the simple ‘sum-total’ concept of personality and postulation of certain schemes of organisation, and hierarchical order. This regional differentiation is very fluid in the early stages of life and gradually becomes more and more distinct. Gordon Allport, defined it as “a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems … An example of this is seat belt laws that try to prevent anyone from getting seriously hurt in the event of a car accident. They further showed that people with such a personality tended to exhibit more group prejudices, and sharp likes and dislikes. These attributes are essential not only for personality questionnaires or inventories but for all tools of psychological measurement. For example, cheerfulness, persuasiveness, alertness, humour, spontaneity and other individual attributes can be separately rated and summed up. Projective tests assume that the inner aspect of personality, particularly the unconscious components, can be measured by requiring the individual to act upon, interpret, organise or manipulate certain unstructured stimulus situations. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google+ 0 Viber WhatsApp. In other situations the frustration may be of a different kind. The mechanisms of imitation and identification which play an important role in the development of personality make it necessary that adults should set proper examples for the younger generation. Thus some individuals who are confident and even aggressive in most of the situations are rather shy and diffident in a specific situation, say in the company of the opposite sex. Human health is defined as the state of well-being with regards to the mental, physical and social aspects of the human condition. Apart from the measurement, there is also a strong criticism of the very basic premise of the approach, that the human personality is nothing but a bundle of behavioural patterns tied together like a household broom. a. social psychology. A person cannot be called healthy merely because of the absence of disease; he or she needs to be doing well in all ways to actually qualify as healthy. All of us must have come across the term personality. More recently, there has been a clear trend towards a more dynamic view of personality, even among these psychologists. A pessimist on the other hand is a “prophet of doom”. The reader is already familiar with the distinction between structure and content. An important development in the evolution of the dynamic approach was the epoch-making research conducted at the University of California on the concept of ‘authoritarian personality’. Essay example informal, critical media analysis essay example. Two perspectives on the human personality will be explained in the following two sections. Murray. But serious doubts were cast on the validity of such measurement, when Freud pointed out that personality operates to a considerable extent at an unconscious level Individuals are not fully aware of their own motives and personality, thus, making it even more unlikely that an observer or rater can make valid assessments. The organismic approach looks at the individual as total psycho-social- biological entity, with definite directions and growth paths, which are innate and inherent. The inventory consisted of 116 questions. A very common method of assessing personality is to observe it in action and then rate it. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. The psychodynamic approach would postulate that the child has developed a tendency to withdraw as a disposition. It's always interested me, and it didn't take me a lot of time to see that, in order to understand people better, I should start with understanding myself. These types of laws are there because someone else says that it is wrong to do these things. This error is called the error of central tendency. Thus one may see the difference between an “optimist” and a “pessimist”. In view of this, the term personality came to be used as one which explains behaviour rather than described behaviour. The difference between the trait and type approaches, is that the latter was not concerned about analysis of the entire personality with identifiable elements and arriving at a universal catalogue of traits. Therefore, learning differences affects … The organismic approach also rejects the reductionistic approach of behaviourism, psychoanalysis, instinct theories and others. [1] According to this perspective, traits are relatively stable over time, differ across individuals (e.g. Personality is the ability to aggregate different features that can be identified from different individuals and they work out for the individuals in a … A quote that I live by is, “People don't always behave the way you want them to, but it doesn't mean the way they behave is wrong.” This says to me that I cannot change anyone because I do not understand or like the way someone does something. Are, thus, objectivity, reliability and validity constitute the three dimensions! 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